
In 2017, Future Tech Capital, LLC, now renamed Future Tech Capital, INC) acquired all equipment, technology and patents of Uni-pixel, a listed company in 2017, and holds a number of patents for the core technologies of X-Touch ™ (Uniboss) and Diamond Guard™. Future Tech Capital In November 2017, we invested and registered Jiangsu Software Technology Co., Ltd. in Changzhou, Jiangsu, China, with registered capital: USD 63.157,895 million; Main operations: new electronic components, touch system, touch panel, electronic circuit, antenna, conductive film, shielding film, etc. RD, production and sales; Software Technology is the only R & D, production and sales center invested by Future Tech Capital in China.

全球专利.美国、英国、欧洲、中国台湾发明专利136项,外观设计专利14项;中国大陆自主研发发明专利49项,实用新型30项, 外观专利1项 。核心专利从研发设计、原材料配方、工艺方法、设备制造、系统方案等全方面保护核心技术。